To customize thumbnail we can design Canva Website:
Now Enter to blogger Admin panel
At the top Left conner
Click on Picture icon Upload from computer
Choose files (Upload) ðSelect
Select image ðRight
Click ðCopy
image address
We use html code
In HTML, the <img> tag is used to embed images into a web page.
The src attribute
specifies the URL of the image. Here are the key points:
- src Attribute:
- The src attribute contains the URL pointing to the image you want to
- It can be either an absolute
URL (linking to an external image hosted on another website) or
a relative URL (linking to an image hosted within the
same website).
- Example
<img src="URL"
Now we past html code from Image
<img src=""
And change Post to HTML view
And past code copy from (Copy image address) to HTML view