We have 4 tools to study MikroTik OS
- Vmware workstation
- Virtual Box
- GNS3
- VMware Workstation: is a powerfull desktop virtualiztion software that allows you to run
multiple operating system on a single PC
-Vitrtual Box: like Vmware Workstation
-EVE-NG: (Enterprise Virtual Environment - Next Generation) is a powerful network
emulation platform that allows you to create and test complex network
topologies in a vitualized environment
-GNS3: (Graphical Network Simulator-3) is a powerfull open-source software that allow you
to design, simulate, and test virtual networks with complex topologies.
This environment we use Vmware workstation and EVE-NG
- Open Vmware workstion
- Create a New Virtual Machine
- It show new dialog box chose Typical click Next
4.Select on Installer disk image file (iso), fine file iso to install OS, click Next
5. Guest operating system select Other and version Orther
6. Virtual machine name: (Set name of Virtual machine name)
Location: Find location you want to put like Drive C or D, click Next
Maximum disk size: Set size depend on request
Store virtual disk as a single files: It mean that you virtual machine store only one file
Split virtual disk into multiple files: It mean that is store separate file and get storage depend on Vm file size and click Next
8-Click custome Hardware, If you want to add RAM, HDD, or CPU more, click finish, if you want to update