Configure MikorTik VPN Site-2-Site with WireGuard



  1. Create Interface WireGuard 
  2. Set IP Address to WiureGuard Interface 
  3. Configure Peer 
  4. Configure Route
  5. Create firewall rule from Remote public 
  6. Create firewall rule between local network
1. Create Interface WireGuard
  • Go to WireGuard > "+" > "Fill out Name" > Apply > OK

2.Set IP Address to WireGuard Interface 

3.Configure Peer 

4.Configure Route

5.Create firewall rule from remote Puplic 

6.Create firewall rule between local Network


  1. Create Interface WireGuard 
  2. Set IP Address to WiureGuard Interface 
  3. Configure Peer 
  4. Configure Route
  5. Create firewall rule from Remote public 
  6. Create firewall rule between local network
1.Create Interface WireGuard

2.Set IP Address to WireGuad Interface

3.Configure Peer

4.Configure Route

5.Create firewall rule from remote Public 

6.Create firewall rule betweent local network


  1. Create Interface WireGuard 
  2. Set IP Address to WiureGuard Interface 
  3. Configure Peer 
  4. Configure Route
  5. Create firewall rule from Remote public 
  6. Create firewall rule between local network
1.Create Interface WireGuard

2.Set IP Address to WireGuard Interface

3.Configure Peer

4.Configure Route 

5.Create firewall rule from remote Public

6.Create firewall rule betweent local Network

If you want Site-A access to Site-B you just add 
  • Add route local ip Site-A to Site-B
  • Add route local ip Site-B to Site-A
  • Allow IP on WireGuard on Peer 

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