- Create VPN Profile
- Create VPN User and Set static Remote IP
- Enable L2TP Server
- IPSec
- Profile
- Proposal
- Static Route
- Configure NAT Rule
- Configure Firewall rule to accept L2TP IPSec VPN
1. Create VPN Profile
2. Create VPN User and Set Static Remote IP
3. Enable L2TP Server
- Profile
- Proposal
5. Static Route Site-A
5. Static Route Site-B
6.Configure NAT Rule
- Add Address Lists
- Add NAT
- Add Address Lists
- Create L2TP Client Interface
- IPSec
- Profile
- Proposal
- Static Route
- NAT Rule
1. Create L2TP Client Interface
2. IPSec
SITB-B (Do the same Site-A)
MikorTik Router